Eternal Hope

As we conclude our series on the Apostles’ Creed, we finish the story with the end of the Gospel story – the resurrection of our bodies, and life everlasting.  What will eternity even be like, and how are we to live now in light of our future glory?

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Forgiveness of Sins

Called “the heartbeat of our hope,” forgiveness of sins IS the good news of the gospel. Even though it’s for our benefit, it’s very God-centered, because it’s rooted in God’s compassion, it’s based on God’s justice, and it’s given by God’s grace.

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The Church Eternal

Now that we’ve finished looking at the Triune God, it makes sense that the first way our faith plays itself out is through the Church.  What is the holy, universal church, and what is our role in the communion of saints?

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I Believe in the Holy Spirit

When we confess that we believe in the Holy Spirit, what are we saying that we truly believe about the Spirit? What is the Spirits work and ministry, and how does that help us understand the gospel?

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