The Purpose of Worship

Our Service

Our services on Sundays are worship; our lives should be worship-full as well. Our hope is that all of our earthly activity returns praise to God, and Sunday services are one of the ways we do that. We invite people to come and sing, pray, and give of themselves to God in worship.

We believe worship

Honors Jesus.

Builds our faith.

Strengthens community.

What to Expect

We want our worship to be marked by “gravity and gladness.” By gravity, we mean a sense of God’s holiness, and an appropriate reverence for Him. By gladness, we mean a sense of joy that this holy God is our God, and that in Jesus he has reconciled us to Himself. We hope that you’ll experience both of these in worshipping with us, and that you’ll feel freedom to express yourself openly before God.

As an international church, we worship in English, but regularly include Czech songs and always have Czech Bibles on hand. During times of public prayer, we encourage everyone to pray in their first language. This is a good reminder that God’s church is made up of people from “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” (Revelation 7:9).


We sing because it helps us express what’s on our hearts. We try to balance new songs and old, upbeat and contemplative, simple and deep, and as much as possible to have the songs reflect the themes of that day’s Scripture and sermon.

Creeds and Confessions

We often have corporate readings from throughout church history. This helps us understand and confess what we believe, and it also reminds us of the connection we share with believers from other times and places.


We believe that everything we have comes from God, and giving back to Him is a way to acknowledge that and thank Him. Money from the weekly offering goes towards the rent of our facilities and to support other ministries in Prague and around the world.

Lord's Supper

Every week we celebrate God’s redeeming grace by sharing in the Lord’s Supper. This meal, given to us by Jesus, is where Christians remember what Christ has done, look forward to His return, and presently have our faith strengthened by the Spirit. It is truly a meal marked by “gravity and gladness!”

Children in Worship

We have lots of kids at Faith, and we like that. Yours are welcome too! Here are some details on how we care for kids during worship:

  •       Children’s classes take place in our classrooms on the other side of the main hallway. We currently have 2 classes: Nursery (ages 0-4) and Primary 5-11).
  •       Kids sit with their families for the first part of the worship service, and go to their classes just before the sermon. We are very OK with kid noise during worship.
  •       Sometimes our older kids remain for the entire worship service. We believe it’s important for our kids to see what happens in “big church” and participate themselves. We take the kids’ presence into account when planning worship on those days, and we’ll give you advance notice when this will happen.

Join us for a service